9. Success! One of my Etsy goodies was featured on a blog!

First of all, let me apologize for being MIA for the past…three months?!  Yikes.  Sorry about that.  I was busy, you know, finishing up my doctorate.  Luckily, I am now the proud owner of a PhD, and my life can get (somewhat) back to normal.

I was checking up on the items views in my Etsy shop, and I noticed I had traffic from cupcakemag.com.  I went to the site, and lo and behold, Cortney (one of the contributors) blogged about how much she liked my black rhinestone headband!  So, I just wanted to say thanks for featuring one of my pieces.  It nice when family and friends buy my stuff and tell me it’s great, but I REALLY get all warm and fuzzy inside when a stranger compliments my work!

Have a happy Tuesday!




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