82. as·pi·ra·tion

An aspiration is defined as “a hope or ambition of achieving something”.  There are a number of things I would like to achieve this year…in all facets of my life, be it personal or professional.  This is my year to do great things and to make an impact on the world around me, I can just feel it.  It’s this tingly sensation right below my skin.

Here’s a short list of my aspirations for 2016:

  1. Save up money.
  2. Put a down payment on a house with said money.
  3. Continue to pay off debt.  (I hate you, Student Loans.)
  4. Write & release more music.
  5. Travel more.
  6. Finish the half-cooked craft/DIY projects on my to-do list.
  7. Write more blog posts.  (Goal: At least 5 per month.)
  8. Publish a booklet of original knitting patterns.
  9. Find beauty, love, and happiness in each day. 🙂

(Doesn’t a list of aspirations sound way less cliche than a list of “New Year’s Resolutions”?)

This may seem like a daunting list to some people, but I truly believe I can do it!  Some of these are personal goals I’ve had for a LONG time, I just never made a serious effort to accomplish them.  I’m done with that kind of attitude.  If I want things to happen, I have to go out and make them happen.  Putting this in writing will also help to keep my accountable; these are basically promises I’m making to myself, and I can’t let me down.


What are some of your aspirations for 2016?


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3 thoughts on “82. as·pi·ra·tion

  1. Hey Gabriella! By the way, that’s a beautiful name! I love your ‘Aspirations for 2016’, and yes it does sound alot better than New Year’s Resolutions! I loved how you included Walt Disney’s saying in the blog! Keep up the great job and we will be wanting an update on how your aspirations are going throughout the year! Can you tell I’m a mom! Lol! Angie


  2. Pingback: 84. We bought a house! | The Craft Queen

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